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Keeping Community Alive During COVID-19

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

It goes without question that times of intense social distancing can lead to feelings of isolation, an in extreme cases, trigger feelings of depression. Add on top of that the overwhelming barrage of panicked and uncertain information being thrust on us at every thumb scroll, flip of the page, and turn of the channel, it is only natural to experience feelings of anxiety and fear. Having spent the last two weeks distancing ourselves, it is clear why isolation is a form of torture used for centuries. It sucks. It hurts. It's physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally exhausting.

We've said it time and time again, community is at the very core of our values. We truly believe that community is the channel through which we can change the world. Given the current circumstances, we should acknowledge that our social responsibility to social distance binds us all. #flattenthecurve

Science shows us that practicing collective suppression will not only slow the spread of COVID-19, it will also reduce the strain on our medical systems, essential workers, and ultimately reduce mortality rates. They say nothing brings people together like a common goal. And while there are many environmental and sustainability goals we must not forget about, right now, social distancing is critical.

The question is, are we up for the challenge?

If you answered yes, then we probably don't need to remind you that everything worth fighting for, in this case humanity, requires some sacrifice. Remember, that degree you received, took work. That marathon you ran, took months of training. That thing you wanted to do, took loads of planning. That house you bought, that family you started, that championship you won, that goal you crushed, all required some form of sacrifice.

In fact, did you know that Sir Isaac Newton did some of his most famous studying during social isolation when the Great Plague hit London in the 1600s? You can thank social distancing for calculus my friends!

Right now, we are collectively sacrificing physical connection, to protect one another. As a result, your home may feel quiet. Your mind may stir. Your nights may feel lonely, and your heart may ache for something as small as a hug. But do not forget that you are not alone. We sit in silence together. We stir together, feel together and ache together in these uncertain times. Let this yearning and these aches remind you that you are alive, well, and have something worth fighting for, your community.

Wise minds through out history have said, "this too shall pass." Sort of like that bad hair cut that took some time to grow out and made you avoid pictures for a while, COVID-19, will take some time to fade into our memories. This time will fade much quicker, or at least feel that way, so long as we remain in this together and keep community, connection and collaboration top of mind.

So until it's safe to get out there and hug the crap out of those you love, we've compiled a list of activities for you and your family to tackle these coming weeks:

  • Read a book/series

  • Discover a new podcast series

  • Take your dog for an extra long walk

  • Let your dog walk you

  • Settle into a Netflix series or rewatch your favourites (Friends, The Office, Seinfeld, The OC, One Tree Hill, Grey's Anatomy, Gilmore Girls, Harry Potter, Lord of the get it!)

  • Spring clean your home room by room (click here for tips)

  • Clean your closet (click here for tips)

  • Go for a bike ride

  • Go for a walk (avoid strenuous hikes as rescue efforts may be limited)

  • Go for a car ride (gas is cheap!)

  • Watch the sunset or get up early and watch the sunrise

  • On a clear night do some stargazing: there are many cool apps to help make this interactive, we recommend Sky Guide

  • Schedule in some phone or video chats with your friends and family

  • Do a home workout: many of our favourite brands and athletes are offering at home workouts for you and the family to try. Keep in mind this may not be the time to start working out as access to medical care can be limited if needed.

  • Meditate: do a YouTube search, download an app, tune in to live guided meditations on Instagram and Facebook

  • Paint your nails or let your kids paint your nails

  • Do a face and hair mask: here are some great face mask recipes you can make at home

  • Take a bath (make it sexy and take a bath with your partner)

  • Enjoy some sexy time, alone or with your partner!

  • Paint, draw or colour

  • Craft it up! Google some old Art Attack episodes and try some arts and crafts with the family. Whether you're learning to make goo, hand puppets or cards, this is a fun hands-on experience for the whole family.

  • Learn to play an instrument: the internet is full of tabs, chords, and video lessons waiting for you

  • Learn another language: try out apps like Duo Lingo or take up some basic sign language

  • Have a dance party

  • Build a fort: and of course, picnic in the fort, watch movies in the fort and have a sleep over in the fort!

  • Organize the Tupperware

  • Write a letter to a loved ones

  • Journal: writing can be very therapeutic whether it's about your day, or a gratitude journal

  • Schedule a virtual tea party, scotch night, or dinner party with friends

  • Play your video games

  • Wash the car

  • Learn to change a tire: if you've got little ones, why not teach them this important life skill

  • Take an online course: Did you know Yale is offering their How to be Happy course for free? There are also tons of free online resources for families and young children including virtual field trips and museum tours.

  • Try a new recipe or learn to cook: why not cook or bake something with the kids?

  • Learn a new skill: what skill have you been meaning to learn? Google it and make it happen!

  • Polish the silver: Surely your parents or grandparents have some silver that needs a good cleaning. Martha Stewart has some good DIY tips for you here.

  • Rearrange the furniture: try something new, try some feng shui

  • Wash the duvet and the duvet cover then spend an hour trying to put them back together

  • Clean your blinds: seriously those things get dirty collecting dust and dirt over the years

  • Play Games: Card games, board games, role player games. This seems like a great time to start a virtual Dungeons and Dragons mission or learn to play monopoly with the actual rules!

  • Braid your hair

  • Learn some new hair and makeup tricks

  • Give yourself a bikini wax: Please do your research before you give this one a go. Click here for tips. If bikini is too much, try your legs!

  • Learn some new dance moves: Download the Dance Vocab App or visit the website to learn some new moves!

  • Garden and do some yard work: Spring is upon us and it's time to prepare our gardens for another fruitful season

What else are you getting up to? Share your tips with us.


Our team sends love, light and wishes for good health. Be well, stay well, and wash your hands!


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